Saturday, November 12, 2005

Lampwork Heart Beads and a Wonderful Boyfriend and Clients

Blogs, Lampwork, Beads, Glass, Dichroic, Jewelry, Life: "Thank y'all from coming buy to visit and purchase from me last weekend. It was great to see you. I have been so busy with orders that I have not had time to keep my wonderful blog fans up to date on my life. I promise I will be better when my life calms down. This rush is absolutely wonderful.
I have made some wonderful hearts for a client and I would like to share them with you. They can be found on their own page - a page for lampwork heart beads. Enjoy!
I've seen some wonderful clients this week and have been putting their orders together. "

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bead Sales and Pain

Blogs, Lampwork, Beads, Glass, Dichroic, Jewelry, Life: "I'm sorry that I have been absent from communicating with y'all; but it has just been so busy; and the fibromyalgia has been acting up badly now for almost a week. Pain. Pain. I don't suffer too quietly.
I want to thank all of you who came by to visit and buy from me at the sale in Los Angeles. It was great to see you. Thank you for your support.
Now I have been frantically getting ready for another sale this weekend. Ohhhh, am I aching. I'm leaving tomorrow and will be returning Monday, so if you don't hear from me for a few days you'll know why and when I return I have some orders to fill. The beads just keep rolling out."