Sunday, July 31, 2005

Day's End

The sale and visit with friends and clients is over for the day. Great wine, cheese, conversation and beads were had by all. New designs were seen and new ideas were discussed for even more styles -- excitement, excitement. Energy flowed.

Now is the time to rest for tomorrow I see the doctor about my fibromyalgia and then on to beautiful Laguna Beach for arts, crafts, sand and good times.

Beads and Life in Los Angeles

Arrived in Los Angeles area yesterday to spend some time working, seeing the doctor for my fibromyalgia, and sightseeing.

Started out by shopping and book hunting on the 3rd Street Promenade. Looking for a book on RSS feeds--how to get started. Didn't find a good one. Then, out on the pier for a Mexican seafood dinner and a drink. Had a good Latin Lover --kahlua, tequila, coffee and whipped cream. Hmmmm, delicious.

Then, home to the room to set up for the sale.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Taxes Done

Taxes are done. They went out Tuesday. The Board of Equalization is paid for another year.

Continuing with the beads to go south to Los Angeles for business on Saturday. Picked up an ice chest last night so that I can keep treats cool in the room for the buyers when they come to the sale on Sunday.

Got up this morning with wonderful visions of beads floating in my head to discover that a pigeon had fried himself on the power line -- ergo, no power for five hours while PG&E put in two new transformers.

Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night. What a great movie. Very entertaining. Beautiful eye candy!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Hooray for Lampwork Beads and Jewelry

Been working a lot the last few days on computing the sales tax info for the Board of Equalization here in California. Lots and lots of paperwork in this business.

I also have been creating some jewelry using my glass beads for a sale for a charity event -- the Harvest Ball here in Fresno. It is a fundraiser for the Children's Hospital. Maybe I will see some of my readers there. I surely hope so. It is for a wonderful cause.

I've especially made some beads just for a neckpiece for the auction at the event. If you want to see my beads they can be viewed at my website

Went to see The Wedding Crashers this last Friday. I didn't know if I would like it or not; but at another's pushing me I went. I loved it!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Dichroic Beads Rock!

Ahhhh! I love working with that dichroic glass. It is so fantastic the way it changes color in the light. I just need to be so careful to not use too much heat and burn off the colors. These are made with metallic oxides in a vacuum deposition process.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Lampworking Heaven

Had another great day making beads. I love it. The interplay of color, watching the glass change colors and shape in the torch's flame. It's wonderful. After more than eight years of creating glass beads I still find it mesmerizing.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Lampwork Beads Made Easy

Made beads all day yesterday. Boy! Some beauties came out of the kiln this morning.

When I show my clients up here next week and my clients in Los Angeles area the end of the month they're going to be ecstatic. Some great new designs are going to come out of this.

Washed one of the three dogs this morning. Now to go to work on cleaning the beads and printing the postcards and labels to send to Los Angeles.

Hope y'all are having a good day.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Today's Events

Trying to learn about blogs and rss feeds. What a world to be exposed to --- and all the while keeping up on my creation of lampwork beads for my clients. Designing for each one's specific needs is very exhilarating.

It's very exciting now too with all of the Google Page Ranks and Back Link updates occuring.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Blog Learnings

I'm still trying to figure out how to make these things work and getting them published.

Can I get this to my website that I did with FrontPage and is hosted on Yahoo? Ahh, so many questions.


The Start

Well..............I've been going to do this for about a year and now I'm finally doing it.

I kept saying to friends that I didn't have anything to say, but they seemed to think that that had never stopped me before. So, here it goes.

Please join in at any time. I am open to all suggestions.
